The drone object

We suppose that drone is running on the local host.

Connecting to drone

All the operations are performed from a simple_ostinato.Drone object, that holds the connection to a drone agent, and perform all the protocol buffer calls.

from simple_ostinato import Drone

# create an instance:
drone = Drone('localhost')

When the object is initialized, a connection is established to the drone instance running on localhost. This will fail if no drone instance is running, so it is also possible to disable the automatic connection:

from simple_ostinato import Drone

# create an instance:
drone = Drone('localhost', connect=False)

# do things...

# later, the connection can be established:

Retrieving the ports

After establishing the connection we can fetch the ports available on the drone instance:

for port in drone.ports:
    print str(port)


veth0 (id=0, enabled=True)
veth1 (id=1, enabled=True)
enp0s25 (id=2, enabled=True)
any (id=3, enabled=True)
lo (id=4, enabled=True)
wlp3s0 (id=5, enabled=True)
docker0 (id=6, enabled=True)
bluetooth0 (id=7, enabled=True)
bluetooth-monitor (id=8, enabled=True)
dbus-system (id=9, enabled=True)
dbus-session (id=10, enabled=True)

To get a port by name, we either iterate over the ports or just call get_port():

veth0 = drone.get_port('veth0')

# this is equivalent to:
for port in drone.ports:
    if == 'veth0':
        veth0 = port

It is also possible to get a port by id with by iterating over the ports, but since I don’t really see a use case for getting ports by ID, there is not method for this at the moment:

for port in drone.ports:
    if port.port_id == 0:
        veth0 = port

Complete example

from simple_ostinato import Drone

drone = Drone('localhost')

print 'printing all the ports available'
print '--------------------------------'
for port in drone.ports:
    print str(port)
print '--------------------------------'

print '\ngetting port "veth0" by name:'
veth0 = drone.get_port('veth0')

print '\ngetting port with id 1:'
for port in drone.ports:
    if port.port_id == 1:
        port1 = port
print str(port1)


printing all the ports available
veth0 (id=0, enabled=True)
veth1 (id=1, enabled=True)
enp0s25 (id=2, enabled=True)
any (id=3, enabled=True)
lo (id=4, enabled=True)
wlp3s0 (id=5, enabled=True)
docker0 (id=6, enabled=True)
bluetooth0 (id=7, enabled=True)
bluetooth-monitor (id=8, enabled=True)
dbus-system (id=9, enabled=True)
dbus-session (id=10, enabled=True)

getting port "veth0" by name:
veth0 (id=0, enabled=True)

getting port with id 1:
veth1 (id=1, enabled=True)