Manipulating streams

We suppose that drone is running on the local host.


To create an empty stream:

stream = lo.add_stream()


At this point, the stream is created on the drone instance, but it has not configuration. To configure it, we simply set the desired attributes on the stream object, and then call save() to update the stream configuration on the drone instance.

# we give a name to the stream, although it's optional = 'a_stream'
# we want to send packets, not bursts of packets
stream.unit = 'PACKETS'
# we want the stream to finish after it sent a fixed amount of packets
stream.mode = 'FIXED'
# after this stream, we want to stop transmitting, even if there is another
# stream enabled on this port = 'STOP'
# we want to send 100 packets
stream.num_packets = 100
# at a rate of 50 packets per seconds
stream.packets_per_sec = 50
# finally, we enable the stream, otherwise, it won't send anything.
stream.is_enabled = True

The stream object holds the configuration. To apply it we call save():

Protocols configuration

We will send a simple IP packet with fixed fields. We add the different layers (or protocols) to the stream. Note that the order matters: adding an IPv4 layer before a MAC layer will result in an invalid frame. Each layer correspond to a class in simple_ostinato.protocols:

from simple_ostinato.protocols import Mac, Ethernet, IPv4, Payload

mac = Mac()
mac.source = '00:00:11:11:22:22'
mac.destination = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'

eth = Ethernet()
eth.ether_type = 0x800

ip = IPv4()
ip.source = ''
ip.destination = ''

payload = Payload()

# finally, save the stream

Since is a simple list, we could have writtend directly stream.layers = [mac, eth, ip, payload].

Also, all the attributes of the layers can be passed to the class constructor, so the above could be just written:

from simple_ostinato.protocols import Mac, Ethernet, IPv4, Payload

stream.layers = [
    Mac(source='00:00:11:11:22:22', destination='FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'),
    IPv4(source='', destination=''),

To remove a layer, remove it from the list, and save the stream. For instance, to delete the Payload and IPv4 layers:

del stream.layers[-1]
del stream.layers[-1]

Variable fields

Apart from a small number of exceptions, every field can be variable, i.e. being increment/decremented/randomized. To control this, each attribute has three other attributes associated:

  • <attribute_name>_mode: can be FIXED (the default), INCREMENT, DECREMENT, or RANDOMIZED
  • <attribute_name>_step: is an integer that specify by how much the field should be incremented or decremented
  • <attribute_name>_count: is an integer that specify after how many packets, the field should be reset to its inital value

Some fields also have a <attribute_name>_override attribute. This field must be set to True in order to set a custom value. Otherwise, Ostinato computes a value automatically.


We can delete a stream by id:


Complete example

from simple_ostinato import Drone
from simple_ostinato.protocols import Mac, Ethernet, IPv4, Payload

drone = Drone('localhost')
lo = drone.get_port('lo')

# create a stream
stream = lo.add_stream()

# configure the stream = 'a_stream'
stream.unit = 'PACKETS'
stream.mode = 'FIXED' = 'STOP'
stream.num_packets = 100
stream.packets_per_sec = 50
stream.is_enabled = True

# IMPORTANT: apply the configuration

# Add layers
stream.layers = [
    Mac(source='00:00:11:11:22:22', destination='FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'),
    IPv4(source='', destination=''),

# Delete the ip and payload layers
stream.layers = stream.layers[:-2]

# Delete stream