Source code for simple_ostinato.protocols.baseclass

from ostinato.core import ost_pb
import inspect
from .. import utils

# FIXME: inherit docstrings for properties
# def fix_docs(cls):
#     for name, func in vars(cls).items():
#         if not func.__doc__:
#             for parent in cls.__bases__:
#                 try:
#                     parent_func = getattr(parent, name)
#                 except AttributeError:
#                     continue
#                 if parent_func and getattr(parent_func, '__doc__', None):
#                     func.__doc__ = parent_func.__doc__
#                     break
#     return cls

def make_protocol_class(name, bases, attributes):
    if '__doc__' not in attributes:
        # create a temporary 'parent' to simplify the MRO search
        temp = type('temporaryclass', bases, {})
        for cls in inspect.getmro(temp):
            if cls.__doc__ is not None:
                attributes['__doc__'] = cls.__doc__
    return type(name, bases, attributes)
    # return fix_docs(my_cls)

class FieldMode(utils.Enum):
    FIXED = -1
    INCREMENT = ost_pb.VariableField.kIncrement
    DECREMENT = ost_pb.VariableField.kDecrement
    RANDOM = ost_pb.VariableField.kRandom

[docs]class Protocol(object): """ Base class for the actual protocols """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): for attribute, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, attribute, value) # def _get_properties(self): # properties = [] # for name in dir(self.__class__): # cls_attribute = getattr(self.__class__, name) # if isinstance(cls_attribute, property): # properties.append(name) # return properties def _save(self, o_protocol): while o_protocol.variable_field: o_protocol.variable_field.remove(o_protocol.variable_field[-1]) for method in dir(self): if method.startswith('_save_'): getattr(self, method)(o_protocol) def _fetch(self, o_protocol): for method in dir(self): if method.startswith('_fetch_'): getattr(self, method)(o_protocol)